The eldest son of the world-famous potter Shiro Tsujimura, Yui Tsujimura (b. 1975) pays special attention to natural materials and organic decorative appearances. Yui’s use of raw materials, especially charcoal ash thrown into the kiln during the firing, creates a refreshingly unique turquoise-green glaze rich with crystal and crazing patterns. Yui’s ceramics are in several impressive collections including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Extreme Surfaces: Cutting Edge Kogei
Ippodo Gallery's Premiere at Design Miami 2022 + New Year Exhibition 2022年11月30日 - 2023年2月16日Ippodo Galleryis a pioneering kogei -focused gallery based in Tokyo and New York. Our mission is to honor the living tra...Read more -
Magic of the Tea Bowl
Volume 2 2022年6月2日 - 7月7日Magic of the Tea Bowl (Vol.2) April 2022 The Japanese tea ceremony was first established during the 16th century and has...Read more -
A Lotus in Bloom
The Beauty That Rises 2020年6月10日 - 7月10日Lotus: Beauty that Rises from the Mud Growing out of muddy water, the lotus produces flowers that represent purity and c...Read more -
Tea Bowls: Art of Five Senses
Contemporary Japanese Tea Ceremony Wares 2018年3月15日 - 4月7日Expressing Gratitude for Ippodo Gallery’s First 10 Years Shoko Aono “It (Teaism) insulates purity and harmon...Read more
Design Miami 2022
Extreme Surfaces: Cutting Edge Kogei 2022年11月30日 - 12月4日Design Miami 2022Read more -
Opening Reception - June 2 5-8pm
Magic of the Tea Bowl Vol. 2 2022年6月2日Ippodo Gallery is pleased to present another series of Magic of the Tea Bowl – Volume 2, an exhibition of tea bowls by seventeen respected...Read more
Year in Review
Reflecting on the Exhibitions of 2022 2023年1月4日Yukiya Izumita , “Stream of Time” 2022 began with Yukiya Izumita’s “Layers of Time,” an impressive showing of the artist’s newest works. The ceramicist began...Read more -
How to Experience the Sensation of the Tea Bowl
Elements of the Tea Ceremony 2022年7月9日What is Chanoyu? Chanoyu(Japanese tea ceremony) is a Japanese art form that seeks a deep emotional connection between the host and the guest through the...Read more -
The Art of Kogei
2021年11月16日Kogei are Traditional Crafts of Japan that must meet five requirements to be recognized by the Ministry of Economy. The crafts must be made for...Read more -
Two Brothers
Kai and Yui Tsujimura 2021年7月20日The two sons of one of the most sought-after potters in Japans, Shiro Tsujimura, are like branches on a tree. Their mother, Mieko, nurtured and...Read more -
Artist Spotlight:
Yui Tsujimura 2021年4月13日This week’s Artist Spotlight features ceramic artist Yui Tsujimura. Living in Mima, Nara Prefecture in a home built close to his fathers, Yui Tsujimura seems...Read more -
The Magic of Tea Bowls
A Reflection on Contemporary Japanese Tea Bowls 2021年2月9日Today, the world is being rocked by confusion and unease. Human life is threatened by a virus and the balance of nature is being destroyed....Read more -
A Slender Silhouette:
On Ippodo Gallery’s Tall Forms 2020年12月8日Koichiro Isezaki, Yo, C19718 Placed in a sagger and wrapped carefully in rice straw, each vessel made by Isezaki emerges from the kiln with their...Read more -
Ash Glazes
on Yui Tsujimura's Natural Ash Glazes 2020年12月1日Ash glaze is a ceramic glaze that is made of the various ashes from wood and straw. Yui Tsujimura, Natural Ash Plate, C20839NP Ash glazes...Read more -
Shino Glaze
An introduction to the Shino glaze technique 2020年10月27日Shino glaze was first developed in the Momoyama period (1568 – 1600). The main characteristic of Shino Glaze is of a satin-like white color, occasionally...Read more -
Natural Glazes of Yui Tsujimura
2020年7月1日Featuring Yui Tsujimura's newest works, we have his signature natural ash glaze pieces. Characteristic of Yui Tsujimura, these pieces exert a calm, soft energy. Delicate...Read more