Ippodo Gallery's famous annual show Magic of the Tea Bowl (vol. III) will continue by special extention until the end of July! Plan your visit now; you will be transported through the medium of ceramic all throughout the regions of Japan, from the bizen of Okayama in the west to Hosokawa's two kilns, one in the southern-central Kumamoto, and another in the centrally located and historical town of Karuizawa.
Morimitsu Hosokawa working at his kiln.
A member of the Hosokawa samurai clan, Morimitsu Hosokawa follows in the footsteps of chadō pioneers Sen no Rikyu and Chōjiro. His featured workcontinues the rich Japanese tradition of black and red Raku tea bowls. The hand-built nature of Raku is inviting as you can observe the subtle marks of Hosokawa’s sculpting techniques in the waves of the bowl’s lip and soft pool where the matcha residue gathers.
Morimitsu Hosokawa, Red Raku Tea Bowl - 赤楽茶碗, (C25976)
Question 1:
Do you practice tea in daily life? Please share your chanoyu routine, or a beloved memory of chanoyu.
I've seen a deep connection between Sado and my life since I was little. My ancestor, Sansai Hosokawa, trained under Rikyu, and he was also the founder of the Sanzai school afterward. The more I deepen my career as a pottery artist, the more I feel the connection to the Tea ceremony. I proudly explain my art is influenced a lot by Japanese tea culture.
Morimitsu Hosokawa fueling his kiln mid-firing.
Please describe the influences that inspire your work.
I would say I get inspiration from my favorite objects, diverse forms, from antique to contemporary arts. However, the greatest inspiration comes from nature.
Morimitsu Hosokawa tending to the kiln mid-fire.
Morimitsu Hosokawa, Black Raku Tea Bowl - 黒楽茶碗, (C22814NP)
Please describe the qualities do you most treasure in a tea bowl—be that shape, color, texture, or history, style, and type of clay?
When faced with materials, my consciousness stirs and I allow this feeling to guide my attention.
Morimitsu Hosokawa, Red Raku Tea Bowl - 赤楽茶碗, (C25807)
Please share with us how you prepare to make a new piece; how do you decide on the materials and direction for the idea?
I start by cleaning my studio.
Morimitsu Hosokawa working his kiln.
Over 100 unique tea bowls by 18 artists are on view NOW at Ippodo Gallery, and all visitors are welcome. We invite you to enter the enchanting world of chawan and the tea ceremony, and to discover with all five senses the power of the tea bowl. Experience a form of craft that has defined the Japanese archipeligo's aesthetics for centuries!